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Gyula Biró

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Hungarian, German

Born 1953; Gyula Biró has obtained his diploma and doctorate from the University of Eötvös Lóránd in Budapest. His dissertation had the theme: "The psychotherapeutic influence of behavior and its durability from a clinical point of view". After graduating from university, he worked in the clinical field and in 1983 passed his exam in clinical psychology. From 1978-1981 he worked at the National Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, from 1981-1985 at the Nyirő Gyula Hospital and from 1985-1992 at the National Institute of Sports Medicine. In addition to the clinical work, he dealt here with the care and performance of top athletes - so he had an important contribution to several successes of Olympic champions and world champions. Since 1992 Gyula Biró has held seminars on these programs not only in Hungary but also in Germany, Austria, Poland and Switzerland. Also since 1992 he is in private practice with several of his colleagues independent psychologist.

Since 1994 he has been teaching courses in effective human communication at four universities in Hungary. Since the end of 1999 he is the director of the Foundation for Ericksonian Communication and Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapy. From 1999-2003 Gyula Biró was Communications Advisor to the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Television. As a communication trainer and consultant, he continues to work in the field of economics (Oracle, Philipps, Hypobank, etc.). He is a founder and board member as well as a teaching therapist of the Hungarian Society for Hypnosis.

He is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, teaching therapist  for Hypnosis and NLPt, and has the title of ECP (European Certificate for Psychotherapy) at EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy).

Budapest, Hungary

Book chapters

  1. Az allergiás jelenségek hipnoterápiája Hypnotherapy of allergic phenomena In: Hipnózis – Hipnoterápia, Medicina Kiadó, 2006. Budapest
  2. Egy allergiás lelkisége és kibontakozása: pszichoterápiás esettanulmány. Spirituality and unfolding of an allergic: a psychotherapeutic case study In: Polihistória. 521-547. old. Szerk.:Bagdy Emőke – Demetrovics Zsolt – Pilling János, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2009.
  3. A neuro-lingvisztikus pszichoterápiáról. About neuro-linguistic psychotherapy. In: The horizon of clinical psychology: A klinikai pszichológia horizontja, 553-565 old. Szerk.: Császár-Nagy Noémi – Demetroviscs Zsolt – Vargha András, L’Harmattan Kiadó Budapest, 2011.
  4. A relaxációs és aktív-éber (active-alert) hipnózis szerepe a sport-coaching terén. The role of relaxation and active-alert hypnosis in sports coaching. In: Mind states, hypnosis, tune in, In: Tudatállapotok, hipnózis, egymásra hangolódás, 391-413 old. szerk.: Varga Katalin és Gősiné Greguss Anna. L’Harmattan Kiadó Budapest, 2012
  5. Bíró Gyula (2014). Az allergia indulati háttere. In: Ki látott engem? The emotional background of allergy. In: Who saw me? Buda Béla 75. Bagdy Emőke(Szerk.) – Grezsa Ferenc(Szerk.) – Komlósi Piroska(Szerk.) – Sepsi Enikő(Szerk.) – Dr. Spannraft Marcellina(Szerk.) L’Harmattan Kiadó Budapest, 2014.
  6. Biró Gyula: Allergiás jelenségek hipnoterápiája. Hipnózis — Hipnoterápia 2. átdolgozott kiadás, The emotional background of allergy. In: Who saw me? Szerk. Vértes Gabriella, Medicina Kiadó Budapest, 2015.
  7. Dr. Biró Gyula: Konzept und Anwendung der Aktiv-Wach-Hypnose. Concept and application of active-alert-hypnosis Psyche und Berg Konferenz, Puchberg (Ausztria) 1996.
  8. Video: Resource-utilisation durch die Aktiv-Wach-Hypnose. Videodemondstráció, 2. Europischer Kongress für Hypnose und Psychotherapie nach Milton H. Erickson München, 1995. Október 3-7. Video: Resource Utilization through Active-Alert-Hypnosis. Videodemondstráció, 2nd European Congress for Hypnosis and Psychotherapy after Milton H. Erickson Munich, 1995. Octóber 3-7.