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Susanne Leutner

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Dipl. Psych.

Susanne Leutner has been a psychologist and psychotherapist since 1980. She works in her own practice with adults, adolescents and children. Has been working with traumatized clients from the beginning using EMDR since 1999. She is an approved EMDR supervisor and facilitator, has been vice president of the German board of EMDRIA for twelve years, also member of Luise Reddemann's team. Her psychotherapeutic roots and first trainings are the Rogerian and Family System's approach, later extended to solution focused, hypnotherapeutic and psychodynamic models. Further psychotraumatological full trainings in PITT, Ego-State-Therapy and Theory of Structural Dissociation.

Bonn, Deutschland

Publications in German on Resource Integration and on combining Ego-State-Therapy with EMDR:

-Einheit von Stabilisieren und Prozessieren in Rost (Hrsg.) Ressourcenarbeit mit EMDR (2008).

-EMDR mit inneren Anteilen in Hofmann (Hrsg.) EMDR – Praxishandbuch zur Behandlung traumatisierter Menschen; Stuttgart: Thieme (2014).

- Heilsame Netzwerke - EST und EMDR: Ein roter Faden für den Behandlungsprozess. In Rießbeck, H. und Müller, G. (Hrsg.) Traumakonfrontation - Traumaintegration, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (2019)

- together with Cronauer, E. Die Aufstellungsarbeit in der Ego-State Therapie bei somatischen und somatoformen Beschwerden. Wiesbaden: Springer (2019)



Publications in English:

- The Concept of Ego State: from historical background to future perspectives (in press, 2019)

- Ego-State Therapy and EMDR in the EST-I Newsletter (2015)



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Presentations/ teachings

Healing Networks: EMDR and Ego State Therapy

Ego State Therapy (EST) and EMDR can be used in combination with great effect. They are an excellent match and, together, develop an even greater potential. Both approaches allow for very direct and quick stimulation of in-depth processes but also include many possibilities for activating resources and ego- strengthening.

EMDR can facilitate integrative processes of EST making them smoother and quicker. In EMDR, on the other hand, it is most helpful to be able to identify ego states when they show themselves. They tend to get closer during EMDR processing without special interventions, but it is often advisable to work with them explicitly, either in preparation or during processing. By doing so we help clients to overcome blockages or look after and comfort certain ego states during EMDR interventions.

Activating resources and ego-strengthening is important as well in EST as in EMDR to foster integration of traumatic material which is represented in different ego states and is most often dissociated.

The combination of the two methods can also be used if there is no obvious traumatisation, but e.g. depression or fear are more dominant, or if new challenges need to be met.

We will give video examples and exercises, integrating resources and providing conceptual background materials
