Clinical psychologist, Psychotherapist, Organizational Development Trainer and Expert witness in Forensic Psychology
Psychosomatic Outpatient Clinics, Budapest
Owner and head of the Clinics
2. 2018-Present
University lecturer and docent (from Sept 2019)
National University of Public Service, Budapest
Faculty of Science and Governance Public Administration and Doctoral School of Law Enforcement
3. 2000-2017
Co-founder of the Psychology Degree, University lecturer (Assistant Professor) and later Head of department, docent
Gáspár Károli University of the Reformed Church, Budapest
Faculty of Arts, Psychological Institute, Department of Clinical Psychology
4. 1994-2015
National Centre for Spinal Disorders, Budapest
Head of department
5. 1997-2003
PhD Student
School of Psychological PhD. Studies, Faculty of Arts, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest
Behavioural Sciences, Empirical Psychology, Differential Psychology, Hypnosis
6. 1994-1997
Scholar (aspirant for doctorate degree)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest